All of the methods to increase the manhood — and the truth and the myths

to enhance virility

We have collected the most common methods that promise to increase your manhood and find out if they are working effectively. To help us in this, our own experts, from psychologists to urology Association.

A variety of ways to the WORK of the

A massage in the

Among the most popular methods to increase the manhood — massage techniques: acupressure, and exercise. The proponents of this method claim that, for a couple of months of daily training will help you to enhance the manhood.

"There are no scientific studies that confirm the healing properties of massage techniques — the right doctor — They simply enhance blood flow to the penis, causing it can become a little bit more. But this is extremely temporary — a few hours, and the effect of it will be gone."

If you want to use this technique, the experts suggest, especially if one has diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and congenital anomalies of the blood vessels. There may be a variety of complications, including disease, priapism, when an erection lasts after ejaculation. This is an acute surgical pathology, which, in the future, it is fraught with complete loss of organ function.

Watch the weights!

Pulling the speed it promises to boost the manhood up to 3 inches: there are a number of different products that are attached directly to the penis and a special device for stretching of the.

"It's true that there is an increase. But, you can severely damage to the damage in the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa of the that draws the attention of a medical doctor. As a result, you can develop peyronie's disease — the penis of the formation of a scar plaque that will cause curvature during an erection, and pain during sexual intercourse. And these effects are irreversible."

Hormones are free of harmony

There is a perception that the introduction of testosterone, and drugs that stimulate its production, and it will give you extra inches.

"It's a myth! The male hormone that affects sexual function, which are the size of the, — explains the expert. In addition to this is the use of the tools without consulting with your doctor first, it is fraught with hormonal chain: there may be a so-called pit of the testosterone, often seen in body builders, who take unnecessarily high doses of hormones). It is a full loss of sexual function, male infertility, and problems with many body systems".

The cream for a couple of hours

The creams for penis enlargement, with the whole of the Internet. They are easy to use, and the result is a wonderful promise. This is it with men who want to increase the unit of sale.

This tool is completely ineffective: it's the same, what to buy the enlargement of the skin of the hands or the nose, says the doctor. — The only thing that could make this product a bit of a noticeable (to 1.5 cm) and grow to 5-6 hours at a time. This is due to the fact that it is warming and vasodilating effect."

This cream can be "chemically dirty": it contains the hormone supplements and the dangerous allergenic ingredients. It can cause normal irritation and damage of mucous membranes by chemical burns.

A vacuum pump in a test of the task!

It comes to the treatment of the negative pressure. And this is the only safe tool which you can use at home!

"In combination with salves to warm the vacuum pump, it really gives the increase (1 to 3 cm and a thickening (5 mm) of the penis, and also improves the an erection, says an expert. However, it is important to understand that the effect will be achieved when the patient performs the exercises regularly, and lives a normal sexual life. The increase in the once and for all with the aid of a vacuum pump, it is possible."

Another important note: you need to use it carefully and properly, so as not to cause damage to the blood vessels and the mucous membranes of the penis. Personal, use only after consulting with your doctor first.

The knife, or surgical intervention

Guaranteed to increase your manhood through the use of surgical methods. The most harmless — plastic bridle, which is of an elongated member to be 1.5—2 to see More of an aggressive technique — an incision made in the suprapubic region, the ligaments that hold the penis. To thicken (5 to 10 mm) are often used with a particular implant, and an extension of, and the thickening may be prosthetics.

"But you have to understand that it is to go back to its size, it is impossible, — warns an expert. Each method has its own disadvantages, so you need to weigh all "for" and "against". And surgical procedures that can be performed only by a qualified physician."

Among the contra-indications for surgery to increase penis size — a common disease, hormonal disorders, diseases of the blood vessels, a diabetes, advanced age. However, before using the operation, you'll need to visit a psychologist. As men, they can be in the order of size, but because of the circumstances (e.g., it is not able to satisfy your partner) have any desire to make a difference. However, the size really doesn't matter! The main thing to do to a man is to study his partner.

The Problem is — in the company of, and the nature of the

The stereotype of the "bigger is better" has gotten in the past, the majority of the people and the cultures, the phallus is considered a symbol of power and fertility, and, what is more and more beautiful. So, the problem is the dissatisfaction of the dimensions of the corporate character.

"Little boy, don't worry about the size. After the first acquaintance with the topic of sex, usually using porn. He is referring to the size of what you see, and the first seeds of self-doubt as you! Then add the jokes and the stereotypes, and the man begins to feel embarrassed," — explains the expert-the psychologist. And yet, what penis size is considered small or large? "The adult male in the an erection is is less than 12 inches is a small penis size. The average size is 12 to 17 inches, and is a member of the 18 inch is quite a lot," says the doctor reminds: in psychiatry there is also a diagnosis for those who are not happy with your size — "dysmorphic disorder" (it's similar to anorexia nervosa).

In General, before the to increase virility, experiment with a variety of sexual techniques. But the main thing — to love sincerely and truly. Then, the fun is guaranteed!